This Is... The Fucking Champs (Justice) Remix!!!

--- subject: band name

If you must use the f - word in your band name, which there is no need to. you should change your name to the F***ING LOSERS. All you are, are loser wannabe's going from bar to bar trying to make it big some day. Won't happen, Won't happen. Get a life, and change your band name. There is far to much bad words used in society today. It's no wonder kids today are growing up and stealing cars, robbing people. It's no wonder, when their parents, with their body full of tatoo's, rings in the nose, lip, eye brow, you name it. When the kids see and here all this from the people they look up to, then they don't know any better them selves. And the cycle goes on, and society and the world keeps getting worse. That's why we'll never have peace in this world. THINK ABOUT IT: Is there really a good reason for naming your band the F***ING CHAMPS when there are litterly thousands of great names to call a band, I can't think of one. Consider it, for society sake. THANK YOU.

- Susan [Cantspell].

--- The fucking champs wrote:

oh no. thank YOU, susan, for the most insightfull revelation. you made us finally come to terms with our responsibility for parents with lip,nose and eyebrow rings and the havoc they've wrought on impressionable young minds such as yourself. hereafter we will be known as the friendly champs. honestly, i don't know why we didn't think of that name in the first place!

yours in fellowship,
the fucking ch*mps

"Blink-182 Follow-Up Post" (Fall 2011)


The Tale of "Honey Bunny," As Told By: A Couple of Girls