The Tale of "Honey Bunny," As Told By: A Couple of Girls

"Honey Bunny" is a loaded American [slang] term that generally refers to a person of particular endearment. The music video for Track #1 from Father, Son, Holy Ghost was directed by Girls guitarist Chet "J.R." White with Ivan Shumaker, features Christopher Owens (vox) as leadingman, and co-stars his real-life girlfriend, Hannah Hunt (Dominant Legs).
It all starts out with Owens in a belly-shirt sweater... scouring the sun-drenched streets of Downtown LA. While on a valiant quest for true companionship, he runs into a couple of duds, gets tangled up in their van, and then proceeds to hi-jack a sleek, white Corvette. All the while, the jangling, Surf Rock (Beach Boys) tune progressively builds and crescendos in the background. Almost instantaneously, Christopher Owens proceeds to pick up his own personal "Honey Bunny" - Hannah Hunt. Let the gushiness, lovesong, and FUN-TIMES ensue! Girls' latest record: Father, Son, Holy Ghost, is now available for your listening pleasure - Thanks to the kind people @ True Panther Sounds.


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