"Thunderdome Cruisers" (Maybachs) with Kanye, Jay-Z, "Otis," Aziz & Spike Jonze

Let's be real... By now, 3/4's of Internet Dwellers have most likely heard tell of Watch the Throne. Long-time collaborators, Kanye & Jay-Z ["The Throne"] have finally re-joined forces to craft a full-length album of cold, hard beats and rhymes. Crisp backing tracks were submitted from an array of All-Star Producers including but not limited to Q-Tip, The Neptunes, RZA, and Swizz Beatz... Now for a collection of eloquently-laced words and numbers [stats]:

- Unleashed to iTunes Mon. August 8th.
- Subsequently reached #1 in some 23 countries world-wide.
- EXCLUSIVELY sold @ Best Buy between August 12-22.
- Projected Week 1 sales: 400-500,000 units.
- Standard CD: 12 tracks. Deluxe Edition: 16
- Traditional "Radio Singles:" 0
- Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH: $380,000 (African Child donation)

While most unsuspecting fans will take the "Watch the Throne" album title as a jab to up-and-coming rappers attempting to steal "The Throne" [spotlight] from Kanye & Jay-Z... I believe it bears quite the opposite message - To me "Watch the Throne" is more of a blessing from Jay-Z to Kanye (34); Mr. Carter, who's now 41, will eminently retire in the not-so-distant future. Having served as Kanye's mentor since his 2003 Rap career start-up. I see the album title as more of a blessing/well wish from Jay-Z... Essentially, a "carry on the torch and be sure to watch the throne"-type of message.


Mylo Xyloto: The "Enoxification" of Coldplay?


Neako - "LVL: 2 x 10" (Kanye Flip)