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3 Feet High & Rising: Members of Endpoint, Broken Hearts Are Blue, Triple Threat & Late Bloomer Re-emerge As Jupiter Hearts & Share s/t EP (Simba Records)

Jupiter Hearts is Robert "Rob" Pennington (Endpoint, By The Grace of God, Black Cross,) Charles "Charlie" Wood (Vines, Broken Hearts Are Blue,) Tim Kriependorf (Triple Threat, Hands Tied,) and Scott Wishart (Late Bloomer, Scout.) When Pennington left the weird little island of Louisville, Kentucky for a new job in Charlotte, he thought that he, also, would be leaving music and his Punk community behind. A year later, he found himself playing music with a fellow Charlotte professor and guitarist, Charlie Wood. Wood, native to Kalamazoo, Michigan, grew up a stalwart member of its mid-80's Punk scene, heavily influenced by the bands that would regularly play in the region. They recruited bassist Tim Kriependorf, who had moved to Charlotte a decade prior and who first met Pennington in Germany during what would, ultimately, end up being Endpoint's 1992 European tour.

Finally, they asked drummer and owner of Lunchbox Records, Scott Wishart to close their musical circuit. Their sound, an amalgam of their experiences growing up in four different Punk scenes, is reminiscent of spirited mid-80's Punk/Hardcore. Pennington's lyrics are both personal and political, consistent with the Jupiter-sized intention behind the music. Jupiter Hearts' debut self-titled (or simply s/t) EP is chock-full of of influences and sonic allusions to those four very unique Punk upbringings. It's a fantastic, fun EP from this crew of Punk/Hardcore vets! Jupiter Hearts will be playing their first show together as a band on Septemebr 7, 2022 at The Milestone Club in Charlotte, North Carolina with Wishart's own Late Bloomer, House & Home, and Holy Figures. Jupiter Hearts' s/t is now available digitally, as well as on purple-colored vinyl, from Simba Records and Lunchbox Records.