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Cody Cody Jones & ialive Return to Form As Cool Code & Don with Animated New Single "Featuring The Muppet Men" (Cold Rhymes Records)

Donovan Days (ialive) & Cody Cody Jones, otherwise known as Cool Code & Don

Cool Code & Don are a rapper/producer-rapper consisting of Cody Cody Jones (Cool Code) hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and ialive AKA Donovan Days (Don) from Philly. These two sharp-tongued fellas both run in the same East Coast Indie Rap with shared connections to Darko The Super, Height Keech, andrew., Jumbled, C $ Burns, The Hell Hole Store, Cold Rhymes Records, and U DONT DESERVE THIS BEAUTIFUL ART. ialive & Cody Cody Jones have collaborated on a number of occasions on loose singles, one-offs, and things of that nature; however, their big coming out as duo was 2017's Four to The Floor. It was essentially a split EP boasting four Cody Cody Jones tracks (one, featuring ialive) and four ialive-led tracks (one, featuring Cody Cody Jones) on the flip side.

Cool Code & Don did it again a few months later in 2017 with aptly-named Four to The Floor 2 showcasing a very similar format. Both Four to The Floor 1-2 were accompanied by four-days jaunts with "your best boys," Cody Cody Jones & ialive, with 25 super-limited edition cassette tapes pressed up specifically for their tours. Just a few years later, Cody Cody Jones & ialive re-emerged with their proper collaborative full-length, titled COOL CODE & DON because, of course, on Cold Rhymes Records in 2020. It was entirely written and performed by ialive & Jones, produced, mixed, and artwork design by ialive, and features throughout from GooGiE, andrew. and B. Rude. Now, it's a couple more years later and Cool Code & Don have returned once more with "Featuring The Muppet Men."

Just this past weekend, ialive & Cody Cody Jones shared the stand-alone track on Bandcamp along with this accompanying statement: "Cool Code came out to Philly in the summer of '21 for our good friend, andrew.'s wedding. We hung out, biked, skated (tried) and hit the studio. Without the pressure to fulfill album requirements, we could really have fun, make each other laugh and do some dumb sh*t. What's more fun than recruiting a choir gang of surly Muppet Men to sing your chorus? Not a whole lot." This go-'round was written and performed by Cool Code & Don, produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered by ialive at Emma's House in East Falls, Philadelphia with artwork by andrew. "Mo" Milicia and additional vocals supplied by The Muppet Men.

We reached out directy to our buddy Donovan "Donnie" Days AKA ialive over the weekend, who told us: "Oh, you bet'cha. Cody [Cody Jones] connected an earthquake strap to the expansion joint, which was already down to the rebar. It was such an undertaking because he's a Capricorn and me, an Aquarius. Little did we know about the 7:3 ratio. Boy, were we in for a ride. After that was leveled out using agar putty, we could keep the chorus." ialive continued, "Before that, it was quailed up something awful. I quailed it back, maybe, three or four decibels, which is where it currently lives, but birds are a hard sell. Maybe, this is all too technical, but it's where my head is at these days. If we could salvage a pit stain for future use, I'm all about it. Really, all for it. Especially, when my socials are devoid of any grammar. Muppet grease I find works wonders. That and cigarettes." ialive & Cody Cody Jones' "Featuring The Muppet Men" is now available on Cold Rhymes Records, along with COOL CODE & DON. Who knows exactly what these two have in store for us next, but we can assure you, it's gonna continue to be one wild ride!