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All-around Breakdown: Extra Arms Frontman Ryan Allen Provides A Track-By-Track Breakdown of Recent Solo EP I'm Not Mean (or Four By Ryan Allen)

The whole EP was conceived and, then, written/recorded pretty quickly—only over a couple of days with me playing all the instruments. When I feel inspired, I like to work really fast. I had just listened to a podcast with one of the founders of Sarah Records and, then, watched the documentary on Sarah, as well. I am a pretty big music nerd, but the Sarah catalog wasn't, necessarily, something I was well-versed in during the 90's and while I like Field Mice, Heavenly, and Boy Racer, I wasn't super-educated in the entire catalog.

That said, I've always been a big fan of Black Tamborine, Velocity Girl, and more stuff that is adjacent to that scene or influenced by it (like, [The] Pains of Being Pure at Heart and Crystal Stilts.) Also, I'm a big Smiths, Byrds, and R.E.M. fan, so jangle-y Rickenbacker-lead Pop songs have always been my jam. And, then, there's other stuff that influenced that scene, everything from The Jesus & Mary Chain and Teenage Fanclub to Motown [Records].

So, I knew I wanted to try and write some more breezy, jangle-y, and, for lack of a better word, "light"-sounding songs. Just music that sounded fun and bouncy and wasn't too labored over. Just simple Pop songs with a little melodrama and me doing a bad Morrissey impression. So, that's how I'm Not Mean came to be. Here's a rundown of the songs.

"You ever watch The Bachelor? I do. No shame. It's hilarious. Anyway, on that show they always talk about how people in the cast need to "check all the boxes." I thought it would be interesting to write a song that read almost like a job interview with a prospective partner. “What's your favorite record?” “What do you like to drink?” “What side of the bed do you want to sleep on?” “I just gotta check these boxes!” Just this idea of getting all of these questions out of the way right away, so you don't have to guess what the other person wants/needs. I don't know, if that's a good or bad way to approach a relationship, but I thought it'd make good fodder for a song."

"I, actually, majored in journalism in college, so I have some first-hand experience with this depressing line of work. Obviously, the influence of journalists or "media personalities," like Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity have done their damage to society. We'd all be in a much better place right now, if those dipsh*ts weren't given a platform to stoke conspiracy [theories], so they and their bosses at Fox News can line their pockets. Anyway, the song is, basically, about how there's no accountability really and people on TV can say whatever the f**k they want with no remorse and while we all know deep down how terrible it all is, we can't turn away, at the same time."

"This song is about, or, maybe, even for, my 10-year-old son. He's getting to a point where he's starting to be really independent, has his own opinions, interests that have nothing to do with me, and is really just starting to spread his wings and become his own dude. While I love it and I'm really proud of him, there's, also, that realization that one day, kids grow up and don't need you as much anymore. We all go through it ourselves, but as a parent, coming to terms with it can feel sad sometimes. So, this is mostly a reminder to myself that no matter what he does or where he goes in life, he will always be part of me and I'll always be part of him."

"I'm an introvert. Some people don't really know how to deal with my kind; so, this song is pretty much about me asking for a little grace with others, who don't totally "get" what being introverted is really all about. Sometimes, you come off like a d*ck when you don't mean to or you are just exhausted by people and your battery just starts to run out. It's almost a plea to others, saying, "just have some patience with me. I promise, I'm not mean." Really, guys, I'm not. 🙂"