Jumbled Returns with PADRE Beat Tape Created In Honor of His Daughter & Teases "untitled." ORSULAK Demo (Harford & Reckord Tapes)

It's been an exciting year and a half for John Bachman AKA Baltimore-based beat-maker Jumbled and his wife, Rachel. One day, The Bachmans got a call about potentially, adopting a little girl, so they immediately drove to Upstate New York and their lives, as they knew it, instantly changed forever. Upon their return back home to Baltimore with baby Lucy (LB) just a few short weeks later, Jumbled happily moved his records and equipment from Lucy's new bedroom and into the home's guestroom. Thus, entering his aptly-named "Green Room" phase, which chronologically, started with YOU BEST NOT MISS EP with DC emcee, Lace Berriez from late last year. Padre consists of a barrage of beats Jumbled has painstakingly created and fine-tuned within the last 12 months or so in The "Green Room." Its content were primarily recorded during the early morning hours before LB would wake up or on the rare occasion Mrs. Bachman would go out and Jumbled didn't have a pile of students' papers to grade for school.

Jumbled says his basic "formula" for Padre was fairly simple: "catchy samples pulled from vinyl [laid] over a Breakbeat and bassline added for depth." Padre's beats flow together effortlessly and are all connected through the stand-up Comedy routines/sound clips "discussing various challenges and triumphs that come from being a father." Rather than simply labeling Padre's two 15-minute Sides A/B, Jumbled has alternatively labelled them as the "L-side" and "B-side" in honor of his daughter, of course. Padre is currently available to stream on Jumbled's Bandcamp and it appears as though, cassette tapes will be coming soon, as well. John Bachman's Bandcamp page additionally specifies that some of the beats contained within Padre will likely be re-used on a variety of upcoming projects. Jumbled is, also, currently working on a mysterious project called ORSULAK with his Soft Peaks bandmate, Eben Dennis. As an added listening bonus, ORSULAK's "untitled." demo is now streaming below with a Joe Orsulak-indebted logo created by clint. Nichols (@rat_eyed_blues) AKA salk. of Dwell & salk.


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