Black Sheep Dres Waxes Poetic On TORTURED SOUL: The Mixtape, Pool of Genius, evitaN with Jarobi White & More (The Witzard Interview)

TORTURED SOUL (The Mixtape) is the latest release from Black Sheep/Black Sheep Dres AKA Andres "Dres" Vargas Titus. Dres was effectively one half of the New York-based group and is now its sole member, which was one of the inner groups within 90's Boom-Bap crew, The Native Tongues Collective. Along with fellow core Natives The Jungle Brothers, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Lucien Revolucien, Monie Love, Queen Latifah, Chi-Ali & Fu-Schnickens, Black Sheep's Dres & Mista Lawnge helped shape post-Gangsta Rap 1980-90's Hip-Hop. The Native Tongues, unknowingly, spear-headed a Conscious Hip-Hop movement, which would, in turn, influence and help found similar-minded collectives, such as The Flavor Unit MC's, The SpitKicker Crew, The okayplayers, The Soulquarians, and production collective The Ummah. However, after releasing two critically-acclaimed and widely-loved albums, A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (1991) and Non-Fiction (1994) Black Sheep disbanded, after just six short years together, in 1995. Dres re-appeared in 1999, under the short-lived moniker "Dres The Black Sheep," and issued a widely-praised solo album called Sure Shot Redemption on Black Pearl/Ground Control Records. It appears as though Mista Lawnge re-joined Black Sheep at some point between 2000-06, but has since parted ways with Dres and simply changed the spelling on his name to "Mr. Long."

Although, Lawnge briefly appears throughout Black Sheep's third album, 2006's 8WM/Novakane, by most accounts, he again, parted ways with Dres prior to the album's proper release. Mr. Long quietly unleashed his proper solo debut, The Class of '89 in 2006, while Dres has continued to release music as both Black Sheep & Black Sheep Dres. Dres has since formed his own imprint, Pool of Genius, named after Black Sheep's fourth album, From The Black Pool of Genius (2010) which would release his 2012 debut as evitaN, Speed of Life, recorded at The Sound Machine with A Tribe Called Quest wordsmith Jarobi White. Now, Dres has returned with Black Sheep's fifth album, TORTURED SOUL (The Mixtape) released on Cleopatra/X-Ray Records last month. TORTURED SOUL is the first part in a planned 2-part mixtape/album series and features production work from BeanOne, Showbiz of Showbiz & A.G./D.I.T.C. Jorun Bombay, Paten Locke, Teeko & Ruckazoid, J. Sands, Finian St. Omer, and Jim B. I've been fortunate enough to personally get to know Dres (@DresBlacksheep) over the course of the past year or so and he was kind enough to answer my questions concerning TORTURED SOUL, Pool of Genius, evitaN, Handsome Boy Modelling School, and all things Black Sheep. Black Sheep Dres' TORTURED SOUL is now available to stream or purchase on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and like-minded digital streaming platforms, as well as physical CD on X-Ray Records. * EDITOR'S NOTE: The interview contained below has been lightly edited for general clarity.


Matt "The Witzard" Horowitz
Honorable Hip-Hop Historian

I. How exactly did TORTURED SOUL The Mixtape/Album go from being two planned separate Dres solo releases to ultimately, being released as a proper Black Sheep album: TORTURED SOUL (The Mixtape)?

Well, in all actuality, it is a Black Sheep Dres release... and it seems to be garnering the "album" title because of the amount of music, I guess... but it is very intentionally, cohesively flowing in and out of itself, much like a mixtape... I think the mastery of Beanone in taking my vision to another level, also, makes it feel like more than a "mixtape"... but that's what I was hired to create... and it very well may be the introduction to the album of the same name... but probably not... this seems to [be] creating quite a name for itself.

II. How, in your opinion, has your overall sound and style changed and progressed since Black Sheep's last album, 2007's TESTIMONY?

I, nor Lawnge, released an album [in] 2007 called TESTIMONY... my last solo project is entitled FROM THE BLACK POOL OF GENIUS, which was released in June 2010... it, too, is an honest reflection and interpretation of Hip-Hop that would speak for itself, as true Hip-Hop does... it may appear timeless... and may not even conform to a genre... I hung out with a plethora of friends on it, as well... it would behoove you!

III. So, is Black Sheep just a one-man band consisting of you now? What happened to long-time member, William "Mista Lawnge" McLean AKA Mr. Long?

Lawnge and I did our first show together, in over 10 years, this year in Japan. I've been doing my own thing for about a dozen years now. Me and my bro, DJ Strike, have managed to not only keep things at a very high level in our presentation of the vintage stuff... we very well may have taken it up a few notches with the induction of the Indie projects that I have created over the years... TORTURED SOUL, now amongst.

IV. Do you still plan to properly release TORTURED SOUL (The Album)?

The way the current project is structured, there are an abundance of shorter versions of full-length songs to be fused with other new material... but I honestly, like the life that this project seems destined for... might have to re-think that title... new music coming still, [though].

V. Now, I know Paten Locke produced both "FUGITUP" & "Higher," but who produced the remainder of the tracks on TORTURED SOUL?

I'm so blessed to be a brother and friend to some of the most amazing talents in music. Cats that have the ability to feel with it... to turn it inside out, then, piece it together seamlessly... cats that can do it consistently... for years now. My team on this one was family: Showbiz, BeanOne, Jorun Bombay, J. Sands, Teeko & Ruckazoid, Paten Locke, Jim B... I'm gonna send you the back cover, which says who did what and who each feature is.

VI. Would you mind explaining the concept behind your "FUGITUP" music video? Who directed/created it?

"FUGITUP" is the linguistics and New York accent that endears New Yorkers to not just their fellow Americans... but globally.

VII. What can you potentially tell my readers and I about Alexander Simone, Dres? He's currently signed to your label, Pool of Genius, and was featured throughout TORTURED SOUL, correct?

Pool of Genius is blessed to be releasing the first single and video from someone that is going to be amazing us for many years to come, in my opinion. Alexander Simone is one of those generational talents that you know the very first time you hear them do anything in the realm of what they offer. We're currently trying to create the presence and platform worthy the grandson of Nina Simone and his hauntingly soulful abilities... to see him live is to experience heredity in every way that is amazing that you can imagine. Alexander Simone is a special talent!

VIII. What's scheduled to be released next on your label, Pool of Genius?

Well, I've already said that Alexander Simone is being set up right now... just being patient enough to make sure he's situated in a way that is going to maximize what he's bringing to the people. And being that we are totally free creatives with vision, ambition, and strong acquaintances... you never know what we may drop in the interim... just know, it's coming lol.

IX. What was it like re-connecting and working with your fellow Native Tongues members and affiliates Red Alert, Chi Ali & Sadat X on your heart-felt tribute to A Tribe Called Quest's Phife Dawg, "Peace Phife?" I also, noticed elsewhere, on TORTURED SOUL's "My Right Brain," you shouted-out your "brother Show," "brother A.G." and D.I.T.C. (AKA Diggin' In The Crates Crew.)

This was, actually, recorded with none of us recording at the same time or same day. A dear friend and insanely talented producer by the name of Jim B from The Canary Islands, hit me upon Phife's passing. Jim, a student of the game, knowing I have Native history with Phife and had just finished an evitaN project (which he produced on) with Jarobi, said he had a track that he wanted to give to [me] and that he thought it would be something, maybe, we could do a tribute to Phife with. I wanted to hear it! When I received it, I could feel why he felt this worthy... it was warm, but had a strong bounce that was inviting.

After playing it for a day or two on repeat... I, initially, thought The Natives... how amazing it would sound to hear each of our voices saying "peace"... I reached out to everyone that was around me... I felt funny asking everyone to send me their voice just saying "peace" because he had just passed and no one was hearing what I was hearing... it just felt awkward. We were still mourning, so I didn't expect everyone to even see my request, let alone feel like sending their voice blindly. I took everyone that sent... added a few family members... reached out to the cast that we hear... who all didn't blink and laced it beautifully... it came out right. It's been available on Bandcamp for the past two years with every single sale going to Phife's family.

X. I couldn't help but notice you recruited your evitaN partner-in-rhyme, Jarobi White (A Tribe Called Quest) for "Higher" from TORTURED SOUL; what's currently happening with evitaN's Speed of Life (2012) follow-up?

I'm elated to be able to say that Jarobi and I have decided to put [out] an EP together this Fall. I think it's gonna be beyond fly. The experience of the first one was amazing. It's one of Hip-Hop's finest sleepers... like finding a knot of hundreds in your sock draw that you didn't know was there or how long. Just receive it in time. To step on the coattail of that, especially, with the vision and ability that Jarobi and I share buckets of... it's gonna be something unorthodox reeking fly authenticity. First album, [Speed of Life], should be "required reading."

XI. What was it like working with Handsome Boy Modelling School on "First... and Then" from their 2004 album, White People? It seems as though Prince Paul & Dan The Automator are currently working on a third album together... have you gotten "the call" yet?

It was so very very dope. That entire experience was just fly and handsome. I've known Paul since the begins of my career as a signed artist and we've always been cooler than cool. He had reached out and asked if I'd be down to jump on something for the Handsome Boy project that they were working on. I didn't know Dan, but that was remedied at the studio, when we met in regards to recording the song. I was really psyched to see how this track was going to come out because they had picked it out and though I felt it was dope, I didn't think it was something that I would have picked out for myself. This speaks to the genius of Prince Paul, in my opinion, though. He heard it and I'm just glad I trusted them. We toured the country, as well, off that album... they probably did a few times... the run I did with them, we had a sake sponsor... I'm sayin'!

XII. Are your sons, Honor (Cerebral Ballzy) & Sidney Max both still actively making music? Have any particular updates on their musical endeavors?

Those two guys seem to have the same ability to do whatever they feel at an extremely high and proficient level. That being the case, both of them are on a hiatus, of sorts, to successfully pursue other interests and opportunities, as well [as] obligations, such as school. Thus, Honor is now painting for a moment... and I mean, flown to painting houses in Europe and the lot. He's sold a few paintings, as well... which is amazing validation to his effort and fearlessness. Sidney has put the mic down, for just a moment, as well, and I've been taking him to a slew up auditions for some pretty cool opportunities that his amazing agency, Zuri, has been presenting us with. We'll see how both ventures go as we get ready for the upcoming school year.


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