The Witzard

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RTF WRESTLING FANZINE APRIL 2018 #7: 1-Page Interviews with "Wrestlepunx" Ultramantis Black & Jeff Cannonball (RTF Records)

RTF FTW! (@rtfrecords) MARCH 27, 2018:

"Hey Wrestlepunx, the April RTF 1-Page Fanzine is done a few days early! This issue contains interviews with & @jeffcannonball + drawings from @andyconwaaay... slam that link in the Bio!"

"RTF 1-Page Zine
Interviews with:
Ultramantis Black
Jeff Cannonball

Drawings By:
Andy Conway"

Purchase RTF WRESTLING FANZINE March 2018 #5-6 & April #7 at RTF ENTERPRISES' Big Cartel page. RTF FANZINE Issues #5-7 are currently available singly for $1.00 a piece or buy ALL THREE issues bundled together for just $2.00, Jabronis!