Sleep Sinatra Unleashes Kendall Carter-produced XMXTHXST (AMETHYST) EP & "Narcisse" with THE HISTORIAN [DREAMSCAPE Media Group]

The Witzard regulars might recognize the name "Sleep Sinatra" from a recent post on these very pages; if so, you've likely heard his silky smooth rhymes schemes on either "B.I.E." with The Custodian of Records AKA TCOR or Flashius Clayton's The Custodian of Records-produced "Anchorman Fight Scene"—or maybe, even TCOR's recent "Anchorman Fight Scene" (Frozen Earth Mix)—alongside equally gritty SPENCER for Higher emcee Vic Spencer. Since running said "B.I.E."-centric post, both Sleep Sinatra and The Custodian of Records have issued new projects: surprise-released XMXTHXST (AMETHYST) EP and mail-order "Lousy New Year's" B/W "Blizzard" 7-inch, respectively. 7-inches can be ordered directly from The Custodian of Records at, however, at the time of this articles's publishing, post-Super Bowl LII, @Custidainofreco Tweeted 7-inches were quickly "Going, going, GONE! (Almost)" I'm just happy I already got my TCOR "Lousy New Year's" B/W "Blizzard" 7-inch, before they nearly sold out! From what I've heard, "B.I.E." and "Anchorman Fight Scene" are just the first sonic previews of what could likely, be an on-going fruitful collaborative partnership between Sleep Sinatra & The Custodian of Records.

"This EP came about by having a long-standing musical relationship with producer Kendall Carter. I met Kendall through a mutual friend/another long-time collaborator of mine, M.O.D." Sleep Sinatra wrote within a recent emailed statement. "This project first began to manifest itself in late 2016-early 2017 and through mid-2017, my home recording set-up crashed. I thought I had lost everything, until further inspection recently, when I discovered I still had all the tracks" @SleepSinatra enthusiastically continued. Upon discovering, he in fact, hadn't lost the entirety of his collaborative 5-song EP with Kendall Carter, Sleep Sinatra surprise-released his XMXTHXST (AMETHYST) EP Monday, January 22, 2018 with little to no warning. XMXTHXST EP's 5 tracks run a combined total of nearly 12 minutes, but it's a truly great, innovative listen; Kendall Carter's sample beds are chock-full of references to amethyst fields, audio sound bites, and Jazz-laden samples that evoke Bob James' landmark 1974-77 album series: One, Two, Three, and BJ4. Aside from one lone feature from Abe The Griot on "Social Sciences," Sleep Sinatra effortlessly bodies Carter's beats all by himself with intuitive, hard-as-nails verse after verse. XMXTHXST (AMETHYST) EP is currently available to stream or purchase on Sleep Sinatra's Bandcamp and Soundcloud pages. Sleep's THE HISTORIAN-produced XMXTHXST EP follow-up, "Narcisse" is available to stream on Soundcloud now, as well.


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