Members of Swedish Hardcore Bands HERÄTYS, INSTITUTION, TOTALITÄR, Infernöh, Stress SS & Damaged Head Form KATASTROF & Release 7-inch (Beach Impediment/Adult Crash Records)

"For starters: KATASTROF is a Swedish Punk band and this is our debut 7-inch. Started as a solo project from HERÄTYS/INSTITUTION guitarist Martin, but ended up as a band in the beginning of 2017. Poffen from TOTALITÄR is doing the vocals and they recorded this 7-inch on their own, but to be able to do shows and make more music, a drummer and bass player [have] been recruited. 7-inch is out on Beach Impediment [Records] in the US and Adult Crash in Europe," KATASTROF bass player Oscar d' Aubigne recently wrote, via email. It appears as though KATASTROF's four members—D' Aubigne and drummer Jonas Silverå were added later—have previously played together in a number of Swedish Hardcore bands: founding guitarist Martin Lindqvist and drummer Jonas Silverå played together in HERÄTYS. Jonas, Martin, and frontman Poffen AKA Per-Olof Frimodig were all in INSTITUTION. Poffen's TOTALITÄR was "definitely a big influence" on Martin's pre-KATASTROF 2010-12 band, HERÄTYS. Jonas additionally drums with Infernöh, Horrendous, and solo project Stress SS, while bassist Oscar d' Aubigne plays bass with Adult Crash-signed Swedish Hardcore/Punk act Damaged Head.

If pressed, I would likely compare KATASTROF's blood-curdling output to the likes of Minor Threat, Fugazi, Henry Rollins-era Black Flag, The Misfits/Samhain, and DC-based Discord Records; although, while there really seems to be a burgeoning Swedish Hardcore scene, I honestly can't say I've ever heard anything like KATASTROF's self-titled 7-inch. Oscar d' Aubigne was kind enough to translate KATASTROF's 7-inch titles from Swedish to English: A1 "Falska Leenden" AKA "Fake Smiles," A2 "Förvridna Grin" AKA "Twisted Grins," B1 "Bryt Bort Hakarna" AKA "Break Away The Hooks," B2 "Sista Dagen" AKA "The Last Day," and B3 "Landskap I Mörker" AKA "Landscape In Darkness." d' Aubigne additionally told The Witzard KATASTROF's newly-formed four-piece plans to "try to record and LP this Fall or Winter, but nothing is booked yet" and says they intend to "start doing shows early next year," as they're all members of other bands, have their own families, hectic work schedules, and live in different cities. KATASTROF's self-titled 5-track 7-inch/digital EP is now available for purchase on Beach Impediment Records (through Sorry State) here in the US and Adult Crash in Europe.


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