Behind The Beat, Vol. 2 Part 1: Homeboy Sandman & Aesop Rock Producer @m_slago Speaks On His "Panacea" Beat Contribution from TRIPLE FAT LICE EP (The Witzard Twitter-view)

@SharpCheddar856: Hey what's up, M Slago? How's it going? How did get involved with Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman's latest TRIPLE FAT LICE EP, man? I know you produced Sandman's All That I Hold Dear a few years back (phenomenal record, might I add!)

@m_slago: Let me get to a laptop and I'll start answering questions to avoid (some) typos lol.

SC: No worries, man! I'm gonna go jump in the shower, but I'll be back momentarily... just send whatever you think may be interesting and useful. Thanks!

m_s: Much thanks on the [All That I Hold Dear] props. Homeboy Sandman and I met back in '09 and have been doing joints together, since The Good Sun. When Aesop Rock & Boy Sand were touring during the first Lice release, I met Aesop for the first time, here in Dallas, at their show. We talked lightly about future work and other things... and "Panacea" is the result.

SC: Oh OK, nice! So, you're one of Homeboy Sandman's initial pre-Stones Throw collaborators! And "Panacea" has been in-the-works since or before 2015's Lice EP 1, then?

m_s: "Panacea" itself wasn't in-the-works, but some music was always a possibility. The connection with Homeboy Sandman will always equate to fresh music lol. Add another stellar artist like Aesop as a variable and it's bound to happen. It's truly basic algebra. But in regards to the beat for "Panacea," it simply was a cut I sent to Sandman that I felt he might dig. I trust his usage of any jams he gets from me. That includes features, which album, etc.

SC: Sounds awesome, man!

m_s: To flip the script a bit, what intrigued you to reach out to producers that participated in Lice 2-3? I didn't dig too deep, but I don't recall seeing anything like this for other projects from you. Or at least, [not] prior to Lice 2: Still Buggin' (2016).

SC: I just thought it would be cool to get the stories behind the beats. That's generally one of my favorite parts of Hip-Hop and I really don't think the producer gets enough shine. I've been doing a producer-selected playlist in recent months called Beat-maker Bedrock. I just think these Lice EP's are great and it feels like there's a lot more to these releases than what's on the surface. My buddy and I saw Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman live on tour in Philly after Lice (1) and Sandman even signed my vinyl copy.

m_s: That's really cool. I think it's an unlikely, yet perfect pairing. Two extremely nice emcees that march to the beat of their own drum.

SC: Hell yeah! There isn't enough unity in Hip-Hop today and they're such a great, yet odd pairing... it works wonderfully, though. Now, are there more EP's or an album in-the-works?

m_s: Indeed. I'd imagine there's more to come, but truthfully, who knows.

SC: That's the beauty of it... who really ever knows with these two ha. It just seems like Stones Throw often does this, EP's leading up to an album... like Freddie Gibbs & Madlib's pre-Piñata EP's.

m_s: Right. It's an appetizer lol. A hearty one, but an appetizer.

SC: Exactly! Well, a three-course appetizer ha. Have anything else to add, my friend?

m_s: [No,] only to say TRIPLE FAT LICE came out extra-fresh, in my unbiased opinion. I'm familiar with all the producers involved and I've been getting hip to Cohenbeats. To see his name pop up, is a testament to his skill. And to thank you for reaching out!

You can catch M Slago & DJ EZ Eddie D every Saturday night from 8-10:00 PM Central Time as co-hosts of Knowledge Dropped Lessons Taught Vol. 2 on 89.3FM Dallas. Their KNON-broadcast radio show is currently the second longest-running Hip-Hop radio show in the world! Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman's TRIPLE FAT LICE EP is now available to purchase and stream from Stones Throw and Rhymesayers' Fifth Element webstore. It features top-notch, "infectious" production work from Cohenbeats, Oh No, Ben Boogz of 2 Hungry Bros. Quelle Chris, and of course, M Slago.

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