"It's The Fish Tank 3 & The Rhymes Is ACE:" Height Keech, Lord Grunge & B-Rich Let Loose "ACE" from Forthcoming Shark Tank Album Dan's House (The Witzard Premier)

"Shark Tank is my group with Lord Grunge and B.Rich. Lord Grunge represents the legendary Pittsburgh duo, Grand Buffet. B.Rich is an emcee with a side-career as a Canadian-centric YouTube star (see Out for a Rip.) Mickey Free is the Jarobi White of the group," Height Keech wrote within a recent email concerning his Hip-Hop crew, Shark Tank. Their fourth studio album, Dan's House was recently announced and is scheduled to drop on Height's own Cold Rhymes Records this upcoming July 17th. Dan's House was entirely produced by Height (Dan) Keech and is his first time producing a whole project, outside of his solo material. I was lucky enough to speak with Height and publish an interview breaking down his phenomenal solo album, MIND MOVES THE MOUNTAIN, released just a few months ago; he mentioned a new Shark Tank album within our conversation, but even I didn't realize it would be released so soon! "Dan's House is our fourth record. The record was produced entirely by me and mixed by Brandon Lackey. This will be the first of many Cold Rhymes releases with me on the beats and Mr. Lackey on the boards [mixing]. The title started as a non-sequitur, but came to signify that this record is my chamber of the Shark Tank realm and that this is how we do things at Dan's House," Height continued.

When asked by yours truly when we could likely expect new material from Shark Tank (within said interview,) Height charismatically replied: "Yes! The fourth Shark Tank album will be the next release on Cold Rhymes. Our mission this time was to steer away from the extremely zany/inside joke territory explored on our last album [Don't F**k with Us] and come with an concise album of straight heat." While Shark Tank's forthcoming Dan's House is their first release on Height's newly-minted Cold Rhymes Records, they've self-released three additional full-lengths between 2011-2015: Shark Tank, Fun Youngs, and Don't F**k with Us. Height told me that Fun Youngs (2012) is actually certified Gold in B.Rich's home country of Canada, "due to the surprise success of that album's bonus track, called "Out for a Rip." Aside from Dan's House's "Intro (Blaze for Days,)" first proper single "Ace" is premiering here exclusively at The Witzard. I would fittingly describe it as a Beastie Boys "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party)"-style call-to-arms/Hip-Hop party anthem with B.Rich proclaiming "yo, this ain't Dance music, but you can dance to it at f**kin' Dan's House and you can check out how the mans do it" punctuated by a squealing guitar lick reminiscent of "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn." I seriously can't wait to hear awesomely-titled Dan's House album closer "Chris Isaak Can't Do a Thing (to Stop Me,)" but that'll have to wait 'til the album's unleashed on Cold Rhymes Records this upcoming July 17th.

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