"Whole Food is nutrition for your mind and spirit:" Gensu Dean & Denmark Vessey Unveil Mouth-watering 7evenThirty & Iman Omari-assisted "Black Love" (Mello Music Group)

"This full-length collaboration between Gensu Dean and Denmark Vessey comes packed with all the vitamins and nutrients you could possibly need without any of the frivolous packaging. The pair's debut as a duo on Mello Music Group imagines mugshot spreads in Newsweek and blood dripping down starched white aprons, and there are no $6 cappuccinos in sight," reads an incredibly well-written fragmented chunk of Dean and Vessey's forthcoming Whole Food Bandcamp press release. It appears as though While Food (which will be unleashed upon the unsuspecting world July 29th) will be a class rapper-producer Jaylib-style affair; "on Whole Food, [Denmark Vessey] expands his purview to encompass the whole human body, from the biscuits and gravy weighing down your stomach to bullet wounds in your abdomen. And he does it all with empathy, wit, and supreme technical skill," Mello Music Group ferociously continued. One-time Guilty Simpson and Planet Asia collaborator and boom-bastic producer Gensu Dean managed to whip up an electric organ-laden Stevie Wonder-reminiscent soundbed, fittingly titled "Black Love," that's perfectly suited for Denmark Vessey, 7evenThirty, and Iman Omari's Golden Era Hip-Hop-evoking 1-2-3 punch of a powerhouse tandem flow. Whole Food—"nutrition for your mind and spirit"—has been preceded by two sharp-tongued pre-album singles, which are either available for FREE no-strings-attached download or if you feel so inclined, instant download after pre-ordering Gensu Dean & Denmark Vessey's sprawling 12-track Mello Music Group debut. The Roots-affiliated publication okayplayer recently premiered Vessey's own eerily introspective Exile-produced "deadly combination of dopeness and real talk," "Think Happy Thoughts," lifted from his critically-acclaimed 2015 EP, Martin Lucid Dream.


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