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Agents of The Machine: DC Hardcore Revivalists Pure Disgust Unleash Pummeling, Self-titled "Full-length" (Bandcamp self-released)

"The NWODCHC [New Wave of DC Hardcore] is so powerful and on the rise. It’s great to see young kids being in the center of it all as well. It’s even cooler to see that all my friends are [getting] on bigger labels, putting the name of DC back on the map. You've got Protester putting a record out on Triple-B Records, Stand Off putting one out on Youngblood, Red Death putting something out on Lockin' Out... I love it all. My friends are what keep me here, and I love every single one of them and what they're doing," Pure Disgust frontman Rob Watson recently revealed to DC-based publication Bandwidth; it's fitting that Washington, DC is currently experiencing a period of musical rebirth— nearly some 40 years after 1980's Hardcore founding fathers Bad Brains, Fugazi, Minor Threat, Dag Nasty, Black Flag frontman Henry Rollins, Scream, Rites of Spring, Embrace, etc. initially burst onto the scene.

Watson formed Pure Disgust along with fellow youth rebellion-minded buddies Ace Mendoza, Brendan Reichhardt, Daniel Peña, and Robin Zeijlon around 2013. They've unleashed two pummeling mile-a-minute EP's, four hand-made Xerox'ed tour cassettes, and their Bandcamp-released self-titled "full-length" last Wednesday, June 13th. Now, yes, I wrote "full-length," as you'll see within the previous sentence because even though it's a 10-track album, Pure Disgust, albeit in true 1980's Hardcore-reminiscent fashion, barely clocks in at a brief neck-snapping 20 minutes. " Pure Disgust’s lyrics are just reflections of it... I would like [white] people to come to understand what it’s like to be a punk/person of color, but honestly, I couldn’t care less what white people think of my lyrics. I don’t write it for them. I live to make white people uncomfortable," Rob Watson continued during his April 2015 Bandwidth interview; with that said, Pure Disgust is currently available at the band's own Bandcamp page, as well as their righteous Chained EP, Pure Disgust 7-inch, and Demo 2013 at either a FREE or name-your-price rate.