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Rapping with Paul White, Vol. 2: Danny Brown Unleashes Detroit-heavy Talking Heads & Radiohead-influenced Video for untitled Old Follow-up Single, "When It Rain" (Warp Records)

"With the blessing of my Fool's Gold family by my side, I'm excited to be working with Warp [Records] on new material. They're music fans to the same high degree I am and I'm looking forward to breaking some rules together," frantic Detroit-bred emcee Danny Brown recounted within a brief statement released along with his latest single, "When It Rain." Nearly mere hours after its Tuesday night reveal, Brown appeared on revered Beats 1 Radio DJ Zane Lowe's web-series; "it's actually even better! Shout out to [Mimi Cave], man- she really just made my vision come to life... I really got the idea from this Talking Heads documentary that I saw and I was really into that, so I wanted ["When It Rain"] to look like that," Danny Brown divulged when Lowe inquired if Cave's video treatment came out like he had imagined. Brown continued that his still currently untitled album was heavily influenced by a book penned about Talking Heads' critically-acclaimed 1979 album Fear of Music, Little Creatures, Radiohead's surprise released A Moon Shape Pool, Icelandic crooner Björk, and Lil Uzi Vert. London-based producer and multi-instrumentalist Paul White produced Brown's proper Warp Records debut, "When It Rain," although they've previously collaborated on XXX, Old, Rapping with Paul White, and Watch The Ants EP stand-out "Street Lights."

Danny Brown's long-awaited follow-up to Old may very well feature singer-songwriter Natalie Prass, which he alluded to during a series of seemingly off-the-cuff January Tweets wherein he additionally name-dropped Surfan Stevens, Kanye, Death Grips, Kendrick Lamar, and Young Thug. "Have you ever been... uh, stiffed at work? No, I've never been stiffed... at work," retort the double entendre-evoking host and a fuzzed out female contestant on Singles Game, after which we see millisecond images of a sledge hammer-wielding cartoon fox, Monument to Joe Lewis ("The Fist"), a Detroit 1/2 MILE sign, a couple scuzzed out dancing videos, an image of a syringe, and a gaggle of generally meme-able content are inter-spliced amidst director Mimi Cave's negative "TV Carnage-style stock footage" of Danny Brown frantically rapping along with "When It Rain." Although Warp Records recently began advertising that Paul White-produced single is currently available on digital and streaming services alike, Brown's long-awaited and still currently untitled "debut" still lacks a proper world-wide release date. White recently produced Hella Personal Film Festival with Open Mike Eagle, Golden Ticket with Florida vocalist and rapper Eric Bidness, and is currently busy recording his latest "psych rock song-based" solo album, which should be out early next year.