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Tom Gould Presents: Action Bronson & Party Supplies - "Easy Rider" (VICE/Atlantic Records)

" ACTiON BRONSON JUST JUMPED TO THE TOP OF THE RAP GAME FOOD CHAiN WiTH THiS MOViE-QUALiTY ViDEO, "EASY RiDER" FT SLASH," Tweeted oddball rapper and supposed Galaxy Gladiators collaborator, @JODYHiGHROLLER aka RiFF RAFF. "DON'T LET ME DIIIEEEE!!!" Action Bronson proclaims in a black-and-white red bandana-accented clip whilst pummeling bullets out of a machine gun, which appears to be a war flashback; as "Easy Rider"'s hymn-like intro starts, we see our bed-ridden hero approached by a lieutenant, "Soldier, tell me what happened..." to which Action Bronson achingly grunts, "Where's my guitaarrr!!?" It's largely unclear what happens next, but we see Bronson, still in a hospital gown, and his red bandana speeding down a barren desert highway as "EASY RIDER" and "DIRECTED BY TOM GOULD" scroll across the trailer-esque screen. RiFF RAFF is generally non-sensical, but he's 100% right, what you're currently witnessing is so much more than just your average music video... it's a cinematic short film that just happens to be accented by a top-notch guitar-drenched Hip-Hop track, to which Action Bronson has already achieved Michael Jackson "Thriller" levels of excellence. But let's quickly address those first couple introductory lines: "Praise the lord, I was born to drive boat / Feeling like Slash in front of the chapel / I'm leaned back with the Les Paul." Bronson is quite obviously referencing Guns 'N Roses' infamous power ballad "November Rain" video, and maybe even his own similarly-titled cast-off track, wherein Slash is just shreddin' in front of Axl Rose's stark white wedding chapel, which (spoiler alert) is later unintentionally hilariously emulated towards the end of "Easy Rider."

Action Bronson then picks up a woman who he somewhat inappropriately refers to as "a midget Puerto Rican at [his] beckon call" and then they "took acid for 10 days straight up in the mountains." I'm guessing he's a Vietnam vet with self-proclaimed "very loose pants" and man, he must have some serious PTSD, cause all sorts of illegal drugs and mysterious Native American smokes are repeatedly misused; Bronson seriously needs one of those "How's my driving?" bumper stickers because he's trippin' balls on his motorcycle all over those desert roads and it's not long before he gets into a bloody bar fight. Now, the second half of "Easy Rider" concludes with a drug-aided cop chase, another run-in with that friendly Native American chief, and of course, some Slash-indebted shirtless/trench coat shreddin' alongside a white chapel. As @atrak preemptively proclaimed late last night, "GIVE @ACTIONBRONSON A G**DAMN VMA FOR THIS "EASY RIDER" VIDEO, SWEET BABY JESUS;" Action Bronson's long-awaited major label debut, Mr. Wonderful still lacks a proper release date, but should be out on VICE/Atlantic Records before year's end or in early 2015. "The album is sounding incredible. The whole album is a stand-out. I don-t care about individual songs, I'm trying to make a complete, classic project. I just do my music uninfluenced by anybody else, or current trends, and it comes together at the end. Nothing needs to have a f*cking theme all the time. This is just rap. I'm not trying to make people think I'm some sort of scientific wizard or inspirational poet. F*ck that! It's just happy, funny, rugged, rough rap," as Action Bronson previously described Mr. Wonderful to NME back in May. This is gonna be one wild ride and I'm already calling it, Best Album EVER!!!