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Bound 2 Falling In Love: James Franco & Seth Rogen - "Bound 3" (Kanye & Kim Parody)

Hyper-productive actor/director and sometimes writer/artist James Franco recently teamed back up with his This Is The End/Pineapple Express co-star and long-time buddy Seth Rogen to film a shot-for-shot re-creation of Kanye & Kim's grandiose "Bound 2" video, which debuted online just last Tuesday. From what I understand, Franco & Rogen are currently on-set filming The Interview (out Oct. 2014), supposedly centered around "an attractive talk show host and his producer [who] unwittingly get caught up in an international assassination plot" ... and this is what they've been doing in-between takes! "Bound 3" really doesn't do anything at all to help put to rest James Franco's oft-questioned [homo]sexuality, including but not limited to passionate lip-locking, romantic middle American landscapes, endearing bro-hugs, and a few vaguely insinuated dirty scenes. Lest we forget, this isn't exactly the first time Franco's had to channel a deeply troubled, rapping madman and he really has Kanye's alpha-male mannerisms down to a "T," especially during the double-flannel scenes. "I was asked to get axed in an American Psycho-themed commercial for Kanye, but instead of getting cut up, I made a cut-up American Psycho piece for him," James Franco lamented to GQ after graffiting his own Yeezus album cover.

It's kinda funny, because he's almost become some sort of Internet-fueled enigma since initially bursting onto Hollywood's radar opposite of Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man (2002); "So, when I go on Instagram, and do something that is basically what the gossip blogs are doing. But I'm doing it, I'm controlling it! But it looks no different than the stupid photos that they take of me, or try and take of me. Um, I'm taking some ownership over it. And then, they re-print it on their stupid blogs. They re-print it because of me," James Franco recently told super-interviewer Charlie Rose. "But just the fact that they had it on their page, I then have my assistants go an take a screenshot of my photo framed by their page, and the I will blow that up and I will make a painting out of that ha. So, that's the next step of that project." Franco's seemingly never-ending outpouring of material most recently includes Actors Anonymous, a novel, and 2 feature films: As I Lay Dying and Homefront with Jason Statham. Seth Rogen, on the other hand, is co-directing The Interview with buddy Evan Goldberg and has a role opposite of Dave Franco in Neighbors (coming this May).

TWITTER-UPDATE: "You nailed it!!! Sooo funny! RT @Sethrogen: #Bound3 Enjoy!!!!!!"
@KimKardashian thanks! Some of those positions were really uncomfortable. That shit is harder than it looks."
About 6 hours later... @Sethrogen Kanye says what's up!? He loves u guys! He laughed so hard at this"
@KimKardashian that's so awesome!! Ha!! Tell him what's up back. So psyched you guys like it!" (Nov. 25-26th)