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HOSS Records Presents: DJ Dog Dick - "Grease That I Got" (THE LIFE STAINS lp)

Max Eisenberg from Brooklyn, NY moonlights as genre-blending Noise-Rap singer DJ Dog Dick; a former member of Dog Leather, Nautical Almanac, Dog Synth, etc. Eisenberg is finally gearing up to release his long-rumored HOSS Records debut, THE LIFE STAINS lp (out November 19th). DJ Dog Dick hails from the same original Baltimore-based music-art scene that birthed Dan Deacon, Weekends, Dope Body, Pictureplane, and Surfer Blood. The proper follow-up to last year's Identity EP, LIFE STAINS has been slowly leaked online over the past few months in the form of "Dried Old Leaves," "Rot Is Hot," and Pitchfork-premiered "Grease That I Got." Their track review essentially likens "Grease That I Got" as a "straight-up Pop tune, built around a bass line that could've been stolen from an R.E.M. out-take... or a helium-injected Butthole Surfers." The Artist Formally Known as DJ DOG DICK (@ALLEYPISS) on Twitter further describes his latest Frankenstein sonic creation as "an anthemic pop rock jam." Upon a few early morning cell phone-blasting repeat listens, I can assure you that "Grease That I Got" is a fucking awesome anti-hit; as a long-time DJ Dog Dick fan, I have to admit, this is the mildly disjointed, borderline "mainstream" Pop-Rock tune that I always knew he could produce! What I've included down below is yet another semi-deranged single pulled from THE LIFE STAINS lp, "Dried Old Leaves," which also has a companion [official] video-remix that's been artfully re-arranged by Rob Feulner.