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The Brassy Misadventures of Tom Bone: The Stepkids - "The Lottery" (Stones Throw)

The Stepkids are kinda like a Hip-Hop-infused modern day version of Steely Dan; equal parts sleaze, cheese, and white-bred Funk-Soul! In-between The Stepkids (2011) and it's upcoming follow-up, Troubadour the band leaked a string of Jazzed up cover tunes: Daft Punk, Rihanna, and Justin Timberlake. Last year, Stones Throw even teamed them up with sharp-tongued emcees Homeboy Sandman, Percee P, and Pharoahe Monch for an all too short-lived remix project. The Stepkids' latest Funk-drenched concoction is "The Lottery" a freshly tracked video-single preceding Troubadour, which hits shelves nation-wide Sept. 10th. Guitarist Jeff Gitelman described the album's creation as "deep musically, there are whole sides to us [that] we haven't really explored yet." Gitelman further laments that The Stepkids haven't even discovered some of their "most exciting stuff" thusfar. "The Lottery" co-stars trombone dancer Jonathan Arons right alongside Jeff Gitelman and his bandmates, Dan Edinberg & Tim Walsh. Directors Nicki Chavoya & Lisa Amadeo chronicle the America's Got Talent contestant's fictional journey from making dollars as night-crawling stripper "Tom Bone" back to his brassy passion, inter-spliced with some groovy-looking live Stepkids performance footage.