The Witzard

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Odd Future Records Presents: Hodgy Beats & Lee Spielman - "Goodbye" (Trash Talk)

"Goodbye" and "Wicked" are comfortably nestled towards the tail-end of Hodgy Beats' just-released 7-song EP, Untitled 2; More often than not, this type of blatant Hip-Hop/Punk Rock fusion are relegated to cheesy one-off single status. But it sounds like MellowHype & Trash Talk are planning something a little more long-term: "No one knows about it. That shit is on the super-low," Hodgy Beats told Red Bull, referencing an upcoming album. "We spent last week [April] jamming and shit, finishing up writing and stuff," added Trash Talk bassist Spencer Pollard. Looks like "Goodbye/Wicked" are amongst the first tracks culled from those very sessions, while a full joint Odd Future Records-backed album still lacks any sort of solid release date. Honestly, "Goodbye" is my personal favourite of the 2 and man, it's one Hell of a brooding, heavy, Lee Spielman-assisted, guitar-filled closing track. It's a damn shame than no one's really giving the trail-end of Untitled EP 2 (arguably the 2 strongest tracks) the credit they're due. Until that rumored MellowHype & Trash Talk team-up LP or "MELLOWHYPEWEEK 2" finally materialize, enjoy this incredibly strong and painfully brief Hodgy Beats offering!