The Witzard

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Bandcamp Leak or Pirated Booty?: Jai Paul - "Jai Paul CD-R"(16-track Album)

Jai Paul is a painfully mysterious British-Indian singer-songwriter/producer who's really only released 2-3 tracks since signing with XL Recordings in 2010: "BTSTU," "Jasmine," and "Flip Out" (Str8 Outta Mumbai). Paul's forward-thinking brand of Space R&B has been embraced by Drake, Beyoncé, rapper XV, and he even appeared on Big Boi's recent solo album, Vicious Lies & Dangerous Rumors. Practically out of nowhere, during Coachella's weekend-spanning festivities, Jai Paul quietly uploaded his long-rumored self-titled debut album/mixtape to Bandcamp. It's selling for 7 GBP's, which converts to about $10.35 or "Name Your Price" and that gets your a download folder containing 16 untitled tracks. Jai Paul CD-R kinda sounds like a mixed bag full of rough demos, fully fleshed out songs, and random skits; Track titles have been speculated to include "Baby Beats," "A Thousand Light-Years from You," "Genevieve," "Chix," and "All Night."

A blatantly sample chopped cover of 90's Dance Pop hit, "Crush" is also pretty damn AWESOME - Just sayin'! Until XL Recordings or Jai Paul himself decide to properly address this guerrilla-style album/mixtape release, here's Paul's handy-dandy Bandcamp description: "#ANONCD-R #WASTEFIELDMULTISTORE #SS #SW1 #SHOOTTHEPIGEON #XXL #DSLR #HYPATIA #JORDANV."

UPDATE: Jai Paul's first ever Tweet (Monday morning) really sums it all up... "To confirm: demos on bandcamp were not uploaded by me, this is not my debut album. Please don't buy. Statement to follow later. Thanks, Jai." Jai Paul's laptop was supposedly stolen quite recently and British news outlets are already reporting that he'll be releasing an official statemtnt to address all the hoopla around 3:00PM [10:00AM EST].