The Witzard

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St. Valentine's Day Massacre: Pissed Jeans - "Bathroom Laughter" (Bloody Info-mercial)

Roughly 10 years and 4 albums deep into their career now, "Bathroom Laughter" is only Pissed Jeans' third music video!; Not too far behind behind Thrash Jams like "False Jesii, Part 2" and "I've Still Got You (Ice Cream)" (2007-09). Matt Korvette, Brad Fry, Randy Huth, and Sean McGuiness unleashed Honeys, which was recorded @ Milkboy Studios (Philly) with producer Alex Newport, on Sub Pop this past Tuesday, Feb. 12th. For you un-familiar slackers, Pissed Jeans kinda sounds like late 80's experimental Black Flag, complete with fuzzed out guitar licks and 1/2 sung-shouted vocal fragments. It's director Joe Stakun's demented riff a late night knife set-selling info-mercial gone terribly wrong, which somehow morphs into a bloody rotten mess!

We're talkin' about VMA-worthy performances from Mark Proksch (The Office), nerdy My Life As Liz [Lee] dame, up-and-coming actress Leigh Myles, and Philly wrestler Dragonfly. Frontman Matt Korvette plays a dimwitted weatherman and his fellow Pissed Jeans bandmates appear throughout, too; The band fielded fan-submitted YouTube commenter questions from 12-12:30 ET Tuesday afternoon and after a few near misses, I finally got a "I would love to do a one-on-one interview for your [AWESOME] blog, The Witzard. See you Friday!!!!" response from Korvette. After a few early listens, Honeys, an album about the life & times of an aging Punk Rocker/Middle American, is actually pretty damn sweet and genuinely relate-able. Pissed Jeans are currently wreaking havoc across the nation... starting with a hometown Honeys record release show @ Underground Arts Friday followed by 9 scattered dates, running from April 12-20th.