The Witzard

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Sludge-Caked Pop Nuggets?: DJ DOG DICK - "Identity EP" (HOSS Records)

Fresh on the heels of his recent un-characteristically chill Matmos sing-song feature, DJ DOG DICK unleashed Identity EP out of nowhere mid-Wednesday afternoon [Feb. 5th] to the wide-spread surprise of The Internet(s). @NoiseyMusic not-so-ironically managed to describe the 4-track EP as, "sludge-caked Pop nuggets from the weed-chocked outskirts of Rap & Noise" in just 140 characters or less. DJ DOG DICK (Max Eisenberg) was 1/2 of Baltimore Noise-Pop ensemble, Dog Leather and currently performs art installations/live shows along with Pictureplane, who're often simply billed as "DICKPIC." Eisenberg supposedly recorded the bulk of Identity EP in Far Rockaway [Queens] while dealing with the Earth-shattering aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

It's really a disjointed precursor to The Life Stains LP, which HOSS Records finally has plans to release this upcoming May. DJ DOG DICK somehow harnesses a wide-spanning, unique soundscape on Identity EP: Hardcore Punk, Electronic, Hip-Hop, Rock "N" Roll, Noise-Pop, 8-Bit, Psych-Rock, etc. The Life Stains LP was mixed down and ready to be sent off for mastering around Dec. 10th, according to Max Eisenberg's personal Facebook. Here, I'll let DJ DOG DICK himself have the last word, "DJ DOG DICK "IDENTITY" ep for FREE download until [Feb.] 11th... that's a picture of me at my Bar Mitzva (Soundcloud link)." It seems that Eisenberg also felt the need to make it 100% TOTALLY clear that Identity EP/Life Stains LP share absolutely NO similar material, aside from sheer sonic DNA cross-sections, I'd imagine.