The Witzard

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Chateau Marmont Presents?: Death Grips - "Come up and get me" (silent short film)

Man, Death Grips had one Hell of a 2012: signing and ultimately getting dropped from Epic Records, released 2 full-length albums, made an interactive "I've Seen Footage" video for MTV, teamed up with Galen Pehrson/MOCA for an art project, leaked a few private e-mails, etc. Despite [or maybe because of] all the controversy, The Money Store and NO LOVE DEEP WEB are definitely worth a couple highly attentive, aggression-filled listens. Looks like Zach Hill & MC Ride decided to start 2013 with an Internet-shaking BANG... "Come up and get me" (short film). It's a 13-minute black-and-white, 3/4's silent film/music video clip that was filmed @ Hollywood's infamous Chateau Marmont. "Come up and get me"'s hard-hitting audio track doesn't even kick in til around 9 minutes deep and the rest stars Stefan Burnett [Ride] as a "leading man," of sorts.

Hill & Burnett filmed a bunch of self-directed footage while the band spent nearly 2 months @ the swanky $435/night hotel, hatching their master-plan to leak NO LOVE DEEP WEB; It's one of the more commercial-sounding track from Death Grips' catalog - Well, as soft as tunes from a Hardcore Hip-Hop record with a dick on the cover can get ha! NO LOVE DEEP WEB is slightly less abrasive-sounding, but somehow a little more mainstream @ the same time, reminiscent of EDM or Glitch-Hop. The rugged "Come up and get me" short film is chock-full of strange stock reel inter-spliced between chilling footage of MC Ride generally acting a fool: fully clothed in the shower, lounging in a chair on a bed, violently eating flowers, hanging from the ceiling, dripping... Zach Hill flailing around chained up under water, rapping in a fur coat, Kim Kardashian , old boxing matches, etc. Death Grips' 2 2012-spun efforts, The Money Store and NO LOVE DEEP WEB are now available online. But I must admit, I'm still pretty partial to their EXCELLENT sample-heavy, Indie blog-shattering mixtape, Ex-military (2011).