The Witzard

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Have Youself a Merry METAL Christmas!: Christopher Lee - "Little Drummer Boy" (Silent Night)

Just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a "Happy" holiday season: Christmas, Hannukah, New Years, Festivus, Kwanzaa, etc. I'm running on fumes, pretty drained from muling at the super-market all week, and man, am I ready to eat, drink & be merry! I'd like to wish everyone a happy, safe holiday with you and yours... Thought I'd take a few minutes this Christmas Eve Eve to upload a little somethin' about this here [oddly endearing] musical nugget, before taking a few days off to CELEBRATE; 90-year-old veteran actor, Christopher Lee seems to have quite the admiration for Heavy Metal - So much so that he decided to record/release a mini-EP appropriately titled, A Heavy Metal Christmas upon the masses this 2012-13 holiday season.

Christopher Lee, along with Hedras Ramos Jr. (guitar), Ollie Usiskin (drums), and Hedras Ramos Sr. (bass) dubbed up a couple spirited covers of "Little Drummer Boy" and "Silent Night," which are available over at Amazon for just $1.78. I think Mishka Bloglin described it best by simply stating that it's fitting, if you "really love Lamb of God, but I also enjoy seasonally festive music." Lee is best known for his roles in Star Wars II-III, Dracula (1958), Lord of The Rings, The Three Musketeers, Julius Caesar, The Mummy (1959), and the forthcoming Hobbit series. Honestly, it's pretty BADASS that a dude his age is even able to acknowledge what Heavy Metal music is, let alone perform it! Christopher Lee's fourth studio album, Charlemagne: The Omens of Death, is due out sometime in 2013.