The Witzard

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Gold On The Ceiling: The Black Keys - "I Got Mine" (Lost TOBACCO Remix_08)

I guess it's kinda like that old All-American proverb [saying] says, "one man's trash is another man's treasure." But in this case, the one man, TOBACCO (Black Moth Super Rainbow) isn't exactly sure if what he has is a trash/treasure. TOBACCO took the liberty of remixing "I Got Mine" from The Black Keys' fifth album, Attack & Release (2008), but it was never officially released. And now, this lost treasure has somehow managed to find it's way onto The Internet(s). Seemingly with The Keys' consent, TOBACCO quietly uploaded his dusty old "I Got Mine" remix to BMSR's collective Soundcloud page late Thurs. afternoon.

When it wasn't used by the band, TOBACCO ultimately ended up chopping, editing, and re-using select portions of "I Got Mine" for his own track called "Super Gum." TOBACCO's remix and both original versions are featured down below for your comparison purposes, but be warned... "Super Gum" includes some GNARLY human/alien fucking scenes that are obviously pretty NSFW or life, for that matter! TOBACCO's final result ends up sounding something like Electro Hip-Hop - Think dare I say it, The Black Eyed Peas! ha Dan Auerbach & Patrick Carney supposedly started recording demos for the eighth Black Keys album during July-August and if all goes well, the currently untitled follow-up to El Camino (2011) will see a world-wide release "sometime in 2013."