Get It Together: The Lazy MK's & The Pile O'Bones Brass Band - "Sabotage" (Inst. Post-Country?)

While it just might have substantially more cultural bearing now than say 3 months ago, The Lazy MK's originally released their "Sabotage" cover on Bandcamp way back in Jan. 2012. It's an interesting Bluegrass/Jazz take on a song that I really know and love; I think "Sabotage" was the first Beastie Boys track that I latched onto @ 10-12, partly due to it's Spike Jonze-directed action-packed, explosion-filled music video! When I was in grade school oh so many years ago (1990's), I first discovered Hip-Hop, Classic Rock, and Hardcore Punk ... a couple of my "cooler" older cousins first introduced me to Beastie Boys' shit and now I own [damn-near] their whole discography. Shouts to my cuz Josh for sending me a link to The Lazy MK's - "Sabotage" just the other day, via Facebook/email! *

Initially released as part of their on-going digital series, dubbed The Sunset Sessions, The Lazy MK's managed to recruit members of The Pile O'Bones Brass Band to help flesh out "Sabotage." It's funny because it starts out sounding pretty damn close to Beasties' original, complete with that scuzzed out guitar riff; But then band members Tyler Hammer, Chris Prpich, and Etienne Soulodre somehow seamlessly employ not only drums, bass, and steel guitar... but the horn-based talents of The Pile O'Bones Brass Band, as well. Largely an Instrumental Post-Country-leaning take, The Lazy MK's successfully implement a faint, yet POWERFUL chant of "Listen all y'all, it's a sabotage" during it's closing segment. The Lazy MK's 2011 debut full-length, Where We Bin is now available online for roughly $10.

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