Guess Who's Back, Back Again?: Mr. Moot & The... - "Change My Ways" (Trenton Mix CD-R #2)

Mr. Moot was raised by a pack of flesh-ravaging wolves. So, his life wellness & survival skills are damn near stone sold immaculate, as should be expected. "Moot" is actually derived from the ancient Native American term for SWAGnificent and his favourite rapper is either Bob Dylan or DMX. After compiling a 10-12 song setlist culled from his comprehensive 100-200 track backcatalog, Mr. Moot & The... played one triumphant first/last show down in Miss' Basement (April 2011). It was recorded to tape, but the film reel has seemingly been lost [or stolen by supervillains]. All that's left are the lone shards of magical memories captured by the chosen few in that basement on that very night!

Mr. Moot started out making "Hip-Hop beats" around 2000-02, which has now morphed into something entirely different. He usually laments about the trials and tribulations of The American Dream: Trying to simultaneously attain love, money, bitches, POWER, drugs, and pizza. I have a collection of 36 Mr. Moot recordings, largely ripped from CD-R's found in the soundsystems of refurbished cars and a few directly transmitted from Mr. Moot himself. A very mysterious and gifted dude, Mr. Moot is only seen when he wants to be seen and has something mildly offensive meaningful to say; But even then, you might not see him still. Mr. Moot & The... are rumored to be planning a comeback tour.

On the heels of said "Hometown Reunion" jaunt, Mr. Moot has uploaded his premier 3-set of tracks to PureVolume: "Change My Ways" (lost single), "Oh How True" and "Where Are The Lyrics?" Keep your ear(s) fixed on Mr. Moot's newly-formed upload page - as more content should be uploaded gradually, over time: new tracks, old demos, unfinished beats, etc. Trust me, I've heard a good chunk of his material and this isn't something you wanna miss! Word on the street is that Mr. Moot is fixing to send a hand-made demo CD-R over to Stones Throw, with [high] hopes of scoring a future record deal!?

Tougher Than Nigerian Hair: The Very Best - "Yoshua Alikuti" (Village Beat Re-make)


Axis, Bold As Love: Interviewing Baltimore's David Jacober (Friends Records)