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PARTY ANIMAL Playlist: Loren Moter's "Hardcore Punk" Selections (Bay Area Punk)

Dayglo Abortions - "Stupid Songs"

My favorite Canadian band of all time. This is the opening track on Dayglo's 2nd and most popular album, Feed Us a Fetus. For anyone not familiar with this groups work, this is probably the perfect first impression. If you dig this, look up "Stupid World" off the same aforementioned album. Side note: These guys sound exactly like the records live; They're really on top of their live performance!

Feederz - "Taking The Night"

Some bands mix music and performance art perfectly - This is one of those bands. Singer Frank Discussion opened fire on an audience with a machine gun full of blanks, got banned from 924 Gilman St. for wearing euthanized dogs like a stool and flinging it into the crowd, and stole Jello Biafra's wife (that last one I don't think was an "artistic statement" as much of it was just a dick move).

The Lewd - "Climate of Fear"

The Lewd are one of a long list of bands who migrated to The Bay Area for the thriving Punk/Alternative/whatever scene during the late 70's-early 80's (others include D.R.I., Verbal Abuse, The Feederz, and M.D.C.). This is a track from their American Wino album, which is a local favorite out here. The name "PARTY ANIMAL" and the song "Beer Truck On Fire" come from a "you had to be there" inside joke Victor [Kool A.D.] and me have from a show our old band. New Earth Creeps played with the Lewd and Verbal Abuse. "Party Animal" was what we called The Lewd's bassist that night.

Crucifucks - "Pig In a Blanket"

Another great/weird SF Punk band... In a similar vein as The Feederz and Dead Kennedys.

Fang - "An Invitation"

Most people who know of this band only really know the songs "The Money Will Roll Right In" and "I Wanna Be On TV," which have been covered by several bands that have attained mainstream success/recognition - The humor of which is pretty obvious. Fang stopped playing when their singer Sammytown served 7 years for second degree murder. A lot of people boycott the band for it. When he got out, he put the band back together and they put out the album, American Nightmare, which is a great fucking album! I wanted to post the song "Burn It Down" off that album, but it's not up on YouTube. This song is my favorite original era Fang song.

Christ On Parade - "Everyone's Crazy"

Late 80's-early 90's East Bay Hardcore or "Crust" band. Always thought they sounded like a cross between Subhumans and Rudimentary Peni. This is a good example of Hardcore bands' tendency to use Charles Manson sound clips. This one's at the end of the track, instead of the beginning though, which is kinda interesting.

Entombed - "Night of The Vampire" (Roky Erickson)

I love the original of this song, I love this cover, and this video is fucking EPIC!

Filth - "The List"

The Blatz/Filth shit split is a necessary piece in any East Bay Punk Rocker's collection. This is probably the best known/liked song off of Filth's side.

The Unseen - "Beat It" (Micheal Jackson)

Please see my notes for Entombed - "Night of The Vampire" (similar-minded cover).

Alright, hope you enjoy the tunes and maybe discovered some bands you hadn't heard of. Peace.

- Loren Moter (PARTY ANIMAL)