Reebok Classics Presents: Action Bronson & Party Supplies - "Blue Chips?" (Fool's Gold Bootleg)

"Blue Chips" is an off-the-cuff, spontaneous project that started as a vibe session one Winter afternoon... and spiraled into a 17-song dusted journey through the warped comedic minds of Action Bronson and the prodigy producer/artist known simply as Party Supplies. This journey includes appearances by Roc Marci, Meyhem Lauren, and Das Racist and was recorded in the confines of Party Supplies' Williamsburg, [Brooklyn] chalet. It's a "project," as opposed to a mixtape or an album and sits in a nether world somewhere between the two. Most of all, it's a moment in time made [during] a 3-week period of hanging out at Party Supplies' house. In between cheese plates, snaps and spliffs the 2 artists came up with this testament of creativity and spontaneity! #March12th

- Reebok Classics


"TV Party Tonight:" John Belushi, Hardcore Funnyman (Live from New York - 1982)


Open Up & Bleed: DOPE BODY - "Lazy Slave" (Hardcore Punk Revival, Baltimore?)