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Hardcore Punk Mixtape: Titus Andronicus Unleash "Titus Andronicus LLC Mixtape, Vol. 1" (SXSW #200 CD-R)

While I love Hip-Hop and almost anything mildly "Punk Rock," I can honestly say that I've never really heard tell of a Hardcore band releasing a mixtape... and the sheer notion of it DOES sound pretty sketchy on paper. But I digress - Let's use the term "mixtape" loosely here and think of Titus Andronicus LLC Mixtape, Vol. 1 as more of a Who Odds & Sods-esque mix CD or hand-dubbed cassette; Rather than an arrogant DJ drop-filled collection of unclear-able sampled Boom-Bap beats and rhythms. Roger that?

Titus Andronicus sold 200 copies of a hand-made CD-R rarities collection @ SXSW this past weekend. Due to a wider response than expected, Titus Andronicus LLC Mixtape, Vol. 1 was liberated on the band's Tumblr come Monday morning. It's essentially a 23-track collection of live cuts, covers, demos, out-takes, rehearsal sessions, and miscellaneous "odds & sods" spanning 2005-12. While the quality obviously varies from track to track, LLC Mixtape (1) plays out like that scratched sought-after, "roadtrip-ready" mix CD-R continuously traded throughout your circle of friends!

Amongst Titus Andronicus' stand-out mixtape tracks are nostalgic covers of popular Weezer, Thin Lizzy, Velvet Underground compositions... as well as great [formative] Punk Rock songs from Replacements, Bobby Fuller, Cock Sparrer, Television Personalities, and Spider Bags. According to Casey of Diarrhea Planet, "Upon Viewing Oregon's Landscape with The Flood of Detritus" (Track 3) is slated to appear on an upcoming split 7-inch "for [ Titus Andronicus'] new label, which should be out very soon!" Titus Andronicus' third studio album for XL Recordings should be expected TBR sometime during the course of 2012.