The Windy City Soul: Action Bronson, Rockie Fresh & Macie Stewart (Kids These Days) - "Dear Heather"

While on a recent holiday [trip] to "The Windy City," Action Bronson managed to link up with a number of Chicago's finest up-and-coming musicians: Dangerously accurate rapper Rockie Fresh, sultry songstress Macie Stewart (Kids These Days), and talented beatsmith Thelonious Martin. Bronsellini proceeds to lace up a descriptive tale of passion, lust, and debauchery over Martin's sparse Jazzy, brass-tinged beat... which is effectively bookended by a modest helping of Rockie Fresh's SWAGGER-filled flow and a dash of Macie Stewart's Soulfully smooth croon.

Quite aptly titled "Dear Heather," the sum of it's various parts essentially equate the story of a joyous fan encounter a la Eminem's nearly 12-year-old hit, "Stan," but this time complete with a foxy little lady! Action Bronson & Friends' collaborative track is slated to appear on Ruby Hornet's upcoming compilation, "Closed Sessions" (Vol. 2). Frankly, I expect 2012 to become Mr. Bronson's "break-out year," as he's currently stacking about 6-8 individual projects for eventual release. Music fans should also be on their toes for creative, new shit from Kids These Days, Rockie Fresh, and Thelonious Martin over the course of this [calendar] year, too.

Blue Escape & Soul Food: Willis Earl Beal - "Evening's Kiss" (Black Tom Waits?)


Tougher Than Leather: Grimes & Cadence Weapon - "[19]88" (Gorilla vs. Bear Takeover)