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Fork & Spoon Potluck: Those Lavender Whales - "Growth In Question" (Lunch & Recess)

Drummer-turned frontman Aaron Graves started writing Folk-driven Pop tunes somewhere between Columbia, SC and Nashville during college. He adopted the musical moniker "Those Lavender Whales" and started writing, recording, and self-releasing songs with friends. By the time 2006-07 rolled around, Graves had assembled 3 hand-made EP's, which were recorded with a troupe of borrowed instruments and a rotating cast of surprisingly talented acquaintances. Roughly during the same time span, Aaron Graves formed a "loose collective" with local musicians, Chris Gardner and Jordan Blackmon . After a solid batch of self-released projects, Fork & Spoon began operating a a legit record label in 2010.

Jessica Bornick (drums) soon linked up with Graves & Gardner, rounding out Those Lavender Whales' current line-up. The band's most recent output, Tomahawk of Praise is being marketed as their proper debut full-length. Filmed @ one of Fork & Spoons' notorious potluck dinners, "Growth In Question" features green-bearded Whales and friends "air guitaring" along with the track while @ a lavish house-party. The Lunch & Recess-directed music video also chronicles a recent record release party for Tomahawk of Praise, which will see a wide release this coming Tuesday, Jan. 17th. All 12 album tracks can now be streamed and ordered [on CD/LP] over @ Fork & Spoon for the EXTREMELY reasonable price(s) of $5-12.