The Witzard

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I Just Want My Pants Back: Wavves - "Hybrid Moments" (Glenn Danzig Misfits)

Wavves were always that obnoxious Indie band that just irked me. To be completely frank, I think that Wavves (2008) and Wavvves (2009) sounded like complete and total shit... and their instant success/immense mass media cover-age simply dumbfounded me. I'm open to nearly all forms of music, but theirs just seemed like musically-backed noise. So, when King of The Beach-related tracks started leaking online back in 2010, I was pleasantly surprised with what I heard! It seems as though head Wavve Nathan Williams is staying true to his reckless roots, while toning it down just a tad but @ the same time, in an effort to become a little more "mainstream" commercially viable.

In the months since, Wavves have managed to pick up Jay Reatard's old band, "The Reatards," performed on national TV with GZA, released follow-up effort, Life Sux EP... and inked a licensing deal with MTV! Nathan Williams' official title @ the music television network is "Guest Composer" as part of I Just Want My Pants Back [prod. crew]. Following a well-received early post- VMA's screening, MTV will debut the novel-adapted-for-TV scripted series on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012 @ 11pm. With that said, the "icing" on the "cake" in my eyes, has to then be this most recently-released Wavves cover, "Hybrid Moments." A sloppy, Lo-Fi version of [my personal favourite] Misfits tune from their "lost album," Static Age (1978), which Williams haphazardly laid down on his out of tune guitar late last night.