Chino Moreno (Deftones) Is a Witch-Houser Now

††† (Crosses) is the latest side-project of Nü-Metal vet musician, Chino Moreno. I honestly, can really see both sides of the coin with this one. As Witch-House Purists will be all like, "This sucks! It's so commercial, it's sickening! And worst of all it's fake [pre-conceived]!" While Indie Hipsters Snobs will then most likely rebuttal with, "Nah man, like any new genre, this is the next gradual progression for Witch-House. This is INDEED slightly more commercial. But yeah, that will help bring it to the masses!" Don't shoot the messenger - I exercise my right to plead the FiF...
Moreno, Deftones frontman, is joined here by Shaun Lopez (Far guitarist) and "Chuck Doom" (Scott Chuck). Similar in Experimental nature to Team Sleep ["Trip-Hop"]... Crosses has reportedly been in-the-works since mid-2010 and has roughly 16 gathered tracks. Check out [select parts of] this March 2011 interview conducted between Jon Wiederhorn/Chino Moreno. Then head on over to crossesmusic for additional info, video footage, Social Media links, Hi-Quality $5 EP Upgrade, contact info, etc.

Crosses - "†hholyghs†" (The Holy Ghost)

"Beats for The Children" with Dave Chappelle


"I Hated Spider-Man 2, James Franco." (Hoodie Allen)