The Witzard

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Bryant Stewart - "I Made This Last Week" (EP)

A good artist should always understand the system of supply and demand; Recently, I realized I wasn't supplying my supporters [with] as much as I use to. So, I decided to challenge myself by attempting to record an EP in one week! It actually worked out pretty good... I had the help of a few homies who came through! Shout-out to Ronn Logic, Shaun Li, Cologero Anello, Amir Patton, Markeisha Simpson, Luko, Willy J, Diahann Bowers, and Danny (DJ-DJ)! I kind of kept this project on the low for the most part... a lot of my friends haven't even heard it! I wanted to make this joint as personal as possible, so that you emotionally feel my growth, potential, and lyrics.
Of course, I could've [gone] into an actual "studio" to record this. But I [remembered] the hunger I had when creating A Perfect Change (from my bedroom). I wanted to create that same hunger within myself again and I actually think it worked ha! I documented a lot of the process to making "I Made This Last Week," which I'll be blogging about shortly, after you guys get a chance to listen!

Once again... thank you God, my supporters, friends, and family! I couldn't have done this without y'all straight up! To my supporters who have been waiting, after this project, I promise, I'M NOT LETTING UP ON NIGGAS! Oh, and say hello to your local "politician" for me and let them know since they wanna politic a nigga... WATCH THE CAMPAIGN!

Much Love,
Bryant Stewart