Lil B's More Than Happy (Gay) to Leak Album

In an earnest effort to shake the improper/negative connotation too often associated with the term, "gay," Lil B (Brandon McCartney) has titled his most recent effort I'm Gay (I'm Happy). The controversial album title has already garnered McCartney much praise and disdain, from both ends of the spectrum. Early Thurs. morning, without prior announcement... The stream-of-consciousness Bay Area rapper [often lovingly referred to by fans as "#BASEDGOD"] uploaded the 12-track collection to iTunes.
Later that same night, @LILBTHEBASEDGOD liberated I'm Gay to the masses, via a Mediafire link. Attached was a Twitter message [Tweet]: "CUZ I LOVE YOU IF YOU DONT HAVE 10 DOLLERS TO BUY MY NEW PROJECT HERE IT GOES FOR FREE." Featuring a sound simply described by @LupeFiasco * as "MF DOOM x Ghostface x Kanye," I'm Gay showcases a cover designed by artist, Uncle Grumpy; Essentially, a 2011 creative flip of Ernie Barnes' famous 1971 painting titled, "Sugar Shack." The original image has been heavily used in African-American Pop Culture - Good Times, Marvin Gaye, Motown 25, and Camp Lo.

* WHY I LIKE LIL B: A REVIEW, Penned By: @LupeFiasco

Real Talk with Hoodie Allen & Patrick ("Pllllat") Meehan


R.I.P. Ryan Dunn (Jackass) 1977-2011