The Witzard

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Slug's Son Stars In "She's Enough" (Atmosphere)

While keeping up with the running "family" theme of their most recent album ( The Family Sign), Atmosphere & MTV Buzzworthy Present... "She's Enough."
The Dave Wilson-directed clip starts off in the with Slug dropping his son, Ben off at grade school. Right off the bat, while his teacher is preoccupied with a lesson about slugs and ants * ... Ben sticks a piece of gum in his classmate, Aria's hair. He continues to "Josh" her throughout the course of the day... Scribbling on her drawing, ruining Gym and Lunch, terrorizing her Teddy Bear collection, and throwing pudding in her hair. Even still, at the day's end, Aria kisses Ben on the cheek. An awkward conversation between Slug and Ben follows the next morning.
Cameo appearances come from Keyboardist Erick Anderson (Aria's dad) and label-mate, Brother Ali (Lunchlady). Shouts due to my friend Danielle... AKA: "Lemmy Kill-Mistress," for making me [re-]aware of this GREAT/"CUTE" music video's sheer existence!

Additional [family-centric] promotional tools include: The Family Sign's "picture frame & stand" Deluxe CD packaging - complete with 7 interchangeable photos, 5 YouTube-transmitted sessions with Dr. Ralph Borka Group & Family Therapy, and "Just for Show"'s accompanying Lost-and-Found Dog visual. All of the materials listed above are easily search/find-able within The Wonderful World of Google. Thanks to Rhymesayers Entertainment, Atmosphere's The Family Sign is now available @ your local record store.

* The other 1/2 of Atmosphere, resident DJ/producer Ant[hony Davis] is seemingly featured as Prom King on the "She's Enough" Clean-Dirty-Inst. 12" single cover... Making up for his mysterious absence from the official video clip.