The Witzard

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Death from Above 1979's 2011 Reunion

Death from Above 1979 were a [guitar-less] Toronto-based Dance-Punk/Noise Rock duo originally active from 2001-2006. During their short career, they released 1 full-length album, a companion remix/b-sides compilation, 3 singles, a handful of music videos, and 3 EP's. Somewhat notorious for receiving a Cease & Desist Letter from LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy (DFA Records), members Sebastien Grainger and Jesse F. Keeler went on to form new bands MSTRKRFT, Bad †i†s, and "Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains" following the 2006 break-up.
Then out of nowhere, the band's name was mysteriously featured on a Coachella 2011 bill poster, released back in Jan. The reunion has now been confirmed by the band, an official statement issued, and a second [Austrian festival] date announced.


It's been 5 years since Death from Above 1979 played a show, 10 years since Jesse played me the first demos & 11 years since we sat in his parents basement and played so loud we knocked the china off the shelves upstairs. 11 seems to be a YES number for me. Though I am usually a pretty rational guy, if I have something on my mind and I see an 11 somewhere, I know I’m on the right path. It’s one of my last remaining superstitions. 2011 has a nice ring to it & if you’re so inclined, it may be the last year ever! So why not say YES? Why not say YES to Coachella? Why not say YES to playing the music we designed to be an undeniable source of power? Why not say YES to stirring up a writhing pit of sweaty humans? YES to riots! YES to heavy music! YES instead of maybe, and YES to make death your adviser and remind yourself always, that this is not a dress rehearsal. This is the big show.

Jesse and I have decided that what we can do together should not be denied.
Together again, as was always the intention, as a collaboration.
The collision of two different worlds.
As this all takes shape, we will reveal it to you.
All of it happening, as it always has, in our own way.
Thank you all for sharing in our excitement!
