The Witzard

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2 Video-Interviews

Thought I'd post some cool (Follow-Up) Interviews I stumbled upon in my Web-Surfing Travels.

First up, is an interview CuDi did with MTVNews. This is the full-length interview; They've been chopping it up into smaller pieces. Mr. Rager talks about a variety of topics, including: working with Kanye, Mary J Blige and Cage, "CHRISTIAN DIOR DENIM FLOW," his new "Rock" direction, being over rapping, fans, and * upcoming projects with Dot Da Genius (WiZard) and Chip Tha Ripper (Almighty GloryUS).

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And secondly, XLR8R TV an interview with El Guincho. XLR8R posted it along with their recent "Flying Solo: Barcelona's El Guincho Creates a Greatest Hits Collection for an Imaginary Genre" feature/interview. The video-interview is definitely a tad bit dated (2008?), but is still very insightful. Pablo talks about growing up in the Canary Islands, some of his influences/musical tastes, his recording process, early CD-R's, sampling, touring, and Barcelona/Madrid's music scene(s).

[The song playing throughout the video is "Palmitos Park" from Alegranza!]

- El Guincho's Pop Negro is out now, and KiD CuDi's Man on the Moon 2: The Legend of Mr. Rager is out Nov. 9.